Use these drills to practice Cutting towards the disc23 drills
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This pattern is a staple in ultimate, and worth practicing. Often referred to as a ‘V’ cut due to the sharp change of direction.

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Allows the cutter to either cut deep or under on the open side, and teaches the thrower to react quickly to opportunities

This drill provides a second cutting option if {B} is not able to get open on their first cut.


One of the simplest movements in ultimate, and a frequent option in any offence


This drill replicates a straight up mark while the disc is on the sideline, with a cutter heading towards the sideline


Learn how to defeat poaching defenders effectively with this drill

An additional rule to encourage players to make space for each other.

Extra rules in a match to encourage receiver to make longer runs in specific directions.


This can be a difficult throw to execute as there's little margin of error for the thrower, but it is ideal in small areas such as in the endzone

Since throwers can not move, receivers must. This introduces simple movement and throwing to space.

Allows the cutter to cut under either on the break side or the open side, and teaches the thrower to react quickly to opportunities

This drill provides a second cutting option if {B} is not able to get open on their first cut.

This drill provides a second cutting option if {B} is not able to get open on their first cut.

Use this drill to teach your team to move downfield in vertical stack early and effectively in order to maintain flow

The idea here is to get three or more cutters working together, all running the Triangle Cutting patterns, to provide lots of options to throw to in a short space of time.


Practice timing continuation cuts for maximum gain and to ensure that your offence continues flowing downfield

Defenders can often read what a cutter wants to do in advance to re-position themselves to deny an option. When cutting, it is therefore good to be able to make split-second decisions about where you want to cut.


A simple combination of cuts that can be used to provide three throwing options - away, open side and break side - in quick succession.

This dynamic drill brings together a multitude of cutting options, and is good for teaching cutters how to exploit one-on-one matchups.

Allows the cutter to either cut deep or under on the open side, and teaches the thrower to react quickly to opportunities. Ideal for continuation cuts.


This is a coordinated cutting pattern aimed at moving defenders to create an undefended under cut.