Use these drills to practice Lead Pass22 drills
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This simple pattern is deceptively difficult to execute, but can generate power position as well as providing a reset opportunity


Being able to throw into space for a receiver to run onto is critical for many drills in ultimate; this is the most simple drill to get started

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This game helps participants figure out how to alter their throws to space at different distances. To develop this skill, overthrowing is better than underthrowing, as it is better to practice trying to get the disc to sit into space for someone to run onto.


This is an aggressive handler cut that can be used to generate power position immediately from the pull

This is a useful cutting pattern for handlers when cutting or clearing.


This is a useful cutting pattern for handlers when cutting or clearing, particularly when blocked by a well-positioned defender.


The 'chisel' is a good way of moving a handler defender who is poaching in the lane which forces the poach to reposition


If you're free on the open side, why not get the disc going downfield as well as to the side? This short range leading pass seeks to put the downfield dump in power position.


A double move where the reset cuts backwards to fake out a defender, then cuts for power position

Extra rules in a match to encourage receiver to make longer runs in specific directions.


This pattern allows you to use the width of the field, rather than just throwing directly to a reset handler

Since throwers can not move, receivers must. This introduces simple movement and throwing to space.


This is a useful cutting pattern for handlers when cutting or clearing, particularly when a marker over-plays the open side, leaving them vulnerable to cuts on the break side


This drill will teach you to generate two useful scenarios from a sideline trap: power position or continuation to the break side


The force middle defence can make teams swing the disc a lot; here, the handlers reset the disc into an area not defended to generate power position


An aggressive cut that gains yards and provides power position


Get off the sideline and set up continuation to the far sideline with this simple move

As a teams understanding of ultimate develops, they should look to use all areas of the pitch - namely forward, backwards and sideways. This game uses a short, but wide, pitch to encourage side to side play due to two scoring areas for each team on opposite sides of the pitch.

The idea here is to get three or more cutters working together, all running the Triangle Cutting patterns, to provide lots of options to throw to in a short space of time.


Throwing to a cutter running directly away using a flat pass