Peppermills – Open Side Under by Brummie
This forms one half of the peppermill patterns
Cutting deepCutting towards the discDecision makingTeam Cutting Patterns
Horizontal Stack
A handler, A, starts near the middle of the field marked by D1. Two cutters, B and C, stand as though in a horizontal stack, approximately 10m downfield from A and around 8m apart. They are guarded by D2 and D3 respectively.
D1 > A > D2 > B > D3 > C
Step 1
- Setup
Pre-Requisite Drills:
Brummie says:
In a game, you can easily hit either of the initial cuts. However, it is the act of cutting and turning that vacates space for a team mate to exploit, which is the core reason of why Peppermills are so powerful
C should turn to come under when they see B turn; typically, this happens when B gets too close to the disc