Use these drills to practice Lateral Cuts21 drills
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This simple pattern is deceptively difficult to execute, but can generate power position as well as providing a reset opportunity


Cyclone is effective when chaining together multiple cuts, as in this drill


By starting on the open side and cutting towards the break side, the receiver's momentum takes them beyond the mark, generating simple continuation

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This drill helps to train your players in breaking the mark to lateral cutters


This is an aggressive handler cut that can be used to generate power position immediately from the pull


When a cutter doesn't get the disc on the break side, turning laterally provides an excellent reset option

This drill provides a second cutting option if B is not able to get open on their first cut.

A brick play popular with the British team Chevron Action Flash in the early 2000s, this movement utilises a break throw to the front of the stack to set up a long throw.


The characteristic movement of handlers clearing laterally to the break side in Cyclone is practiced with this drill


Another give and go move designed to keep the disc in the hands of the best throwers

Handler movement can be so difficult to stop that teams have constructed their entire offence around it. Here's just a sample of how to bolt together the key movements.


This drill helps to train your players in breaking the mark to lateral cutters


Limiting the ability of the cutter forces the thrower to be more creative; this drill will teach throwers to identify space and select an appropriate throw


This pattern allows you to use the width of the field, rather than just throwing directly to a reset handler


This pattern is a staple in ultimate, and worth practicing. It's a great method for clearing space as well as being a viable threat, and can lead to easy continuation on the break side

This drill provides a second cutting option if {B} is not able to get open on their first cut.

This drill provides a second cutting option if {B} is not able to get open on their first cut.

The idea here is to get three or more cutters working together, all running the Triangle Cutting patterns, to provide lots of options to throw to in a short space of time.


A simple combination of cuts that can be used to provide three throwing options - away, open side and break side - in quick succession.

This dynamic drill brings together a multitude of cutting options, and is good for teaching cutters how to exploit one-on-one matchups.