Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts by Brummie
Cyclone is effective when chaining together multiple cuts, as in this drill
Place a marker cone for the disc in a central position. Place another marker cone where D2 will stand; for the purpose of this drill, we want to ensure that B has a clear path towards the centre of the pitch. C needs to be further downfield on the open side, and E and F take up position in the middle of the field, where the back of the stack would be.
D1 > A > D2 > B > C > E > F
Step 01
- Initial set up
Step 02
- B cuts laterally and receives the disc from A. Offset Lateral Cut
- N.B. D1 should only apply a light mark here.
Step 03
- B receives the disc heading to the break side. E cuts under Offset Lateral Cut.
- It is vital that B pivots towards their own goal line while looking to hit E; this forces the marker D2 to take a longer path in stopping this throw.
- If B throws to E Go to step 4
- If not Go to step 5
Step 04
- B continues to E Cut Underneath – Open Side
Step 05
- D2 is able to prevent continuation to E, so C begins their cut.
- B has already created space through pivoting and faking the previous option to E. For more info, see Cyclone Pivoting Action
Step 06
- B pivots directly downfield and throws to C Offset Lateral Cut
Step 07
- C continues to F cutting underneath Cut Underneath – Open Side
Pre-requisite drills
Brummie says:
B should be facing A to start with; if they point their hips towards the centre of the field, it’s likely that D2 will deny this cut. See ‘Triple Threat
A should aim to move D1 to open up the inside throwing channel prior to B’s cut; try faking the around break first
For detail on why this is an effective cut, see The Undefended Channel
The key focus for this drill is B’s role; through good use of pivots and two well-timed cuts, their marker is unable to prevent multiple options at once.