Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts by Brummie


Cyclone is effective when chaining together multiple cuts, as in this drill

Steps & Diagrams
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Japan run multiple offset lateral cuts, threatening (or throwing) the around continuation after each catch, with a follow-up cut hit via the inside channel if the disc is not thrown


Place a marker cone for the disc in a central position. Place another marker cone where D2 will stand; for the purpose of this drill, we want to ensure that B has a clear path towards the centre of the pitch. C needs to be further downfield on the open side, and E and F take up position in the middle of the field, where the back of the stack would be.


D1 > A > D2 > B > C > E > F

Step 01

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts
  • Initial set up

Step 02

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts
  • B cuts laterally and receives the disc from A. Offset Lateral Cut
  • N.B. D1 should only apply a light mark here.

Step 03

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts
  • B receives the disc heading to the break side. E cuts under Offset Lateral Cut.
  • It is vital that B pivots towards their own goal line while looking to hit E; this forces the marker D2 to take a longer path in stopping this throw.
  • If B throws to E Go to step 4
  • If not Go to step 5

Step 04

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts

Step 05

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts
  • D2 is able to prevent continuation to E, so C begins their cut.
  • B has already created space through pivoting and faking the previous option to E. For more info, see Cyclone Pivoting Action

Step 06

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts

Step 07

Image of Multiple Offset Lateral Cuts



Brummie says:

B should be facing A to start with; if they point their hips towards the centre of the field, it’s likely that D2 will deny this cut. See ‘Triple Threat

A should aim to move D1 to open up the inside throwing channel prior to B’s cut; try faking the around break first

For detail on why this is an effective cut, see The Undefended Channel

The key focus for this drill is B’s role; through good use of pivots and two well-timed cuts, their marker is unable to prevent multiple options at once.