Offset Lateral Cut by Brummie

By starting on the open side and cutting towards the break side, the receiver's momentum takes them beyond the mark, generating simple continuation
Cutting from the open side towards the break side allows both a simple inital throw and easy continuation, making use of The Undefended Channel
A handler, A, starts with the disc in the middle of the width of the field, marked by D1. A cutter, B, starts 3-5m downfield and 3-5m closer to the sideline than A; B is guarded by D2.
D1 > A > D2 > B
Step 01

- D1 starts the drill by checking the disc in.
- B cuts laterally; A should throw as soon as possible
Step 02

- Continuation Option 1: Throw continuation to a static cutter, C
Step 03

- Continuation Option 2: Throw continuation to a cutter, C, coming underneath Cut Underneath – Open Side
Step 04

- Continuation Option 3: Throw continuation to a cutter, C, going away Diagonal Away Throw to Diagonal cut
Pre-requisite drills
Brummie says:
This is all about The Undefended Channel, so don't try to break the mark. Just throw to the open side, and let the cutter's momentum take them to the break side for continuation