Vertical Stack: Vertical Stack on the Sideline by Brummie

Vertical stack offences need to adjust on the sideline to make it easier to move the disc.
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This is a far more difficult scenario for vertical stack, because half of the field is now far more difficult to throw into (Fig. 3); notice how much of the far lane is obscured by the stack.

Fig. 3: Original stack positions
If the stack doesn’t reposition – Fig. 3 – then much of the cutting lane furthest from the disc is partially obscured by the stack, making it difficult to throw to. By angling the stack to face the disc – Fig. 4 – both lanes become viable options without resorting to overheads.

Fig. 4: Repositioned stack when the disc is near the sideline
Therefore, when the disc is on the sideline, the vertical stack should be adjusted to a more advantageous position – Fig. 4 – this helps to make more areas of the field easy to attack.

Fig. 5: Correct angling of the stack opens up the deep space
Fig. 5 shows how the back few players in the stack are all able to cut directly deep.

Canada U23 in a vertical stack angled to the sideline at the U23 World Championships, London 2015