Switching the Field in Vertical Stack by Brummie
Practice maintaining flow and swinging the disc in vertical stack
A handler, A, starts with the disc near the sideline. A reset handler, B, starts 3-8m infield, perpendicular to the sideline. A cutter, H, starts 8-12m from A at the back of a vertical stack, angled off the sideline. Cutters stand in front of H in the order G, F, E, with C at the front of the stack, who starts no closer than 5m from A.
A > B > C > E > F > G > H
Step 1
- H cuts from back of stack, but is looked off
- A throws to B Sideline Dump
Pre-Requisite Drills:
Brummie says:
Repeat for a few reps, then switch players around so that everyone gets practiced in all positions; bear in mind that the front of stack has to run further than the back of stack.
Start with the disc in the back of your own endzone, then aim to move all the way to the back of the far endzone without turning over. Then turn around and go back the other way.