Analysed team: Minneapolis Drag'n Thrust

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Minneapolis Drag’n Thrust, USA Nationals 2021 (1)

Although the first cut in the vertical stack isn't thrown to, Drag'n Thrust is able to score with a deep cut that takes advantage of a slow defensive switch.

Flow Offence

Handler Resets

Vertical Stack

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Minneapolis Drag’n Thrust, USA Nationals 2021 (2)

Drag'n Thrust gets the disc through a run-through block. They then keep the disc moving through handler resets and score using inside break throws.


Endzone Offence

Handler Resets

Minneapolis Drag’n Thrust, USA Nationals 2021 (3)

Drag'n Thrust starts out in a side stack. When a defensive player attempts to poach a player clearing deep, a cutter takes advantage of the poach to get the disc with power position. The poaching defensive player then attempts to put on a mark but is unable to stop a deep throw to the deep cut.

Set Plays

Side Stack

Minneapolis Drag’n Thrust, USA Nationals 2021 (4)

Drag'n Thrust uses a handler reset to swing the disc. The cutters then time their cuts off of each other to keep the disc moving downfield in a vertical stack, resulting in a score off of a deep cut.

Flow Offence

Handler Resets

Vertical Stack

Minneapolis Drag’n Thrust, USA Nationals 2021 (5)

Right after a timeout, Drag'n Thrust uses a huck as part of a set play. Although the huck is just shy of the endzone, Drag'n Thrust uses handler resets to move the disc before scoring on the break side.

Endzone Offence

Handler Resets

Set Plays

Short Hucks