3v3 Possession by Dominick Smyth
An exercise in keeping possession and making space for each other in a small space. With only one person able to receive a pass, it is important for players to make space for each other.
Mark a square roughly 20m a side. Objective is to keep possession for as long as possible.
Offense > Defense
Step 1
- Objective is to keep the disc as long as possible. This can be measured by time or number of passes.
- Optional progression: On offense, a receiver is only allowed try get the disc when the thrower is looking at them. If thrower is looking at other receiver, a player must either stand still or move out of the way.
Pre-Requisite Drills:
Dominick Smyth says:
When on offense, players should look to make space for each other rather than both receivers looking to get a pass at same time in same space.
Brummie says:
As the players improve, feel free to increase the field size & number of players on each team.
Caroline Ma says:
Increasing to 5v5 in a small space creates an extra challenge for offence. Give and Go is an efficient way to receive quick completions and teams should be encouraged to attempt to receive points using this method.