Frisbee Fluency by Dominick Smyth
A series of actions to get people familiar, comfortable and confident with discs and catching. Also introduces main catching types - clap, high and low.
Each participant gets a disc. All participants should look to have arms reach clearance in all directions.
Step 01
- With picture down, bounce disc off thigh and catch
- Alternative - hold disc in one hand, make a fist with other hand, hit disc up into air and catch.
Step 02
- Hold disc in one hand, waist height, with fingers underneath and thumb on top.
- Flip disc, like flipping a pancake, and attempt to catch in same position.
- Progression - same but with other hand.
- Progression - same but with both hands.
Step 03
- Disc resting on finger tips of bad hand, eye level or higher, with picture up. Strong hand ready to catch with fingers higher than thumb.
- Drop disc and catch with strong hand.
- Alternative - Keep disc still before catching to familiarise with feeling.
- Progression - Rest disc on fingers of strong hand and catch with strong hand. Requires turning wrist while disc is in air.
- Progression - same but catching with bad hand.
- Progression - same but with picture down.