Introduction to Ultimate Frisbee for Beginners: How to throw a disc by Dominick Smyth
Learning how to throw a disc is easily the biggest hurdle for any new player, and is a skill that has no ceiling. Even people who have been playing for decades can improve their throwing skills.
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General Throwing
How to throw and catch a disc is one of the most appealing things about learning to play ultimate! Throwing ability will improve in time, so don’t panic. Initially the focus should be on flat, accurate and easily catchable throws.
I highly recommend that you review our throwing tutorials in our Video Library
The 5 technical points (GSWAP) to be aware of when throwing are:
- G – Grip: Correct and strong grip gives thrower control over how the disc flies and is a simple way to stop the disc wobbling in flight.
- S – Stance: By positioning body correctly, thrower is able to comfortably use arm as part of throw without own body getting in the way.
- W – Wrist: Possibly the most important point as a snap of the wrist is vital for a successful throw. Throwers are encouraged to bend their wrist to begin and then snap their wrist in order to make the disc spin while it’s in the air.
- A – Angle: The angle of the disc while in the throwers hand has a big effect on how it flies. It it points up, down, left or right, it will travel in that direction. More specifically, it will always curve in the direction of its lowest part. Initially throwers should look to have the disc flat to help keep it straight. As they progress, they may wish to experiment with different angles and see the effects.
- P – Point: Successful throws usually finish with the thrower pointing at their target in order to control their aim.
Initially the temptation may be to throw the disc higher in an attempt to get it to go further. Instead, look to throw straight at target – you may be surprised how far the disc will go. A good starting concept is to keep the disc between waist and chest height.
This is the basic throw that should be easiest for people to learn.
- G – Grip: From a starting point of making a fist around the edge of the disc, there are a variety of grip types (shown above, from left to right: loose grip, finger on rim, power grip). Try all in order to decide which works best. Important considerations are gripping tightly and having fleshy base of thumb slightly on top of disc (use the grooves/flight rings as a guide).
- S – Stance: Turned sideways with throwing arm closer to target. This allows a line from shoulder to shoulder and on out through throwing arm towards target. Beginning with arm relaxed in front of body, try keep disc close to body and stretch out towards target.
- W – Wrist: Initially bend wrist towards body. As arm reaches towards target, snap wrist away from body to make disc spin. Remember, spin is vital for a successful throw.
- A – Angle: Disc should be held and thrown flat for a flat throw. Angling the disc towards the ground or sky (by flexing elbow and wrist) will cause the disc to curve.
- P – Point: Stretch arm towards target during through and finish pointing at target.
Watch our Backhand instructional video for slow motion replays and top tips
This is an advanced throw that will initially cause difficulties to almost all participants.
- G – Grip: With logo on disc facing up, throwers hand (except thumb) should be underneath disc. Place middle (and index finger depending on grip) flat against the inside edge with disc behind hand and away from body. Pinch down on disc with thumb. Again, experiment with grips to chose most comfortable one.
- S – Stance: Stand facing target (option to put dominant foot marginally in front) with disc held out to side. Throwing arm starts loosely away from body, forearm horizontal with wrist either level or below elbow.
- W – Wrist: Bend wrist backwards, attempting to bring back of hand towards forearm. Snap wrist forward to make disc spin. Effort should be made to resist temptation to swing arm. As comfort and control of spin of disc improves then they can start using their arm to increase distance of throw.
- A – Angle: While it is preferable to hold the disc flat, it may be necessary to angle the disc slightly towards the ground in order to achieve a flat throw. This is easiest achieved by looking to have hand below elbow.
- P – Point: After snapping wrist, look to finish pointing directly towards target. Common errors include pointing up due to wrist snapping up instead of forward and pointing side ways due to swinging arm sideways instead of reaching towards target.
Watch our Forehand instructional video for slow motion replays and top tips
You will also find additional detailed discussion on throwing technique under our Technical Discussion section within Coaches Corner