Fury vs Riot, 2008 USA Nationals by Brummie
In the 2008 UPA Final, Seattle Riot led San Francisco Fury 10-1 in strong wind before one of the greatest comebacks of all time led to Fury winning another championship. Here, we deep dive into one of the key adjustments that Fury made: their use of a zone defence
Forcing difficult throws The primary idea of a zone is to tempt your opponent to take on more difficult throws than they would normally attempt. If they opt to take these throws on, then they are taking the most direct […]
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- Pony v Revolver, USAU Nationals 2018
- Sockeye 2018: Handler Defence
- Sockeye 2018: Switching and Poaching
- CUSB v Clapham, EUCF Final 2019
- Fury vs Riot, 2008 USA Nationals
- Fury vs Molly Brown, 2018 US Open
- Sockeye v Machine, US Open 2021
- Toro vs Sweet Cat, 2021 Richmond Cup
- Ranelagh’s Resets, xEUCF 2021
- Revolution Breakdown
- Ring of Fire’s Hucking
- Boston Brute Squad vs Vancouver Traffic, USA Nationals 2021
- Canada World Games 2022 Pull Plays
- Swampybarg’s Cup Zone
- Johnny Bravo – Handler Switching
- Trust: Johnny Bravo’s Long Game
- USA u24 Men 2023: Poach sets
- EUC Women’s Final 2023
- EUC Open Final 2023
- Playing in extreme wind: Molly Brown v Phoenix
- Denver Molly Brown’s Defence, USA Nationals 2022
- Take what they give you – USA handler offence