Chisel Triangle Reset by Brummie
This is a simple method of clearing handlers up field to create space for a cutter.
Handler Resets
HandlerHorizontal StackSplit Stack
A handler, B has the disc near the middle of the field marked by D2 who applies a straight up mark. A reset, A, stands level with the disc 5-8m away from B, guarded by D1. A cutter, C, stands 8-12m downfield of B.
D1 > A > B > D2 > C
Step 1
- A cuts across the front of the thrower Chisel
Pre-Requisite Drills:
Brummie says:
These diagrams show the drill in the context of a horizontal stack, but the principle can be seen in Triangle Reset
This is best practiced in conjunction with Chisel; if the defender has to respect every available option, then they must give up at least one of them.
To adapt for other offensive formations, simply alter the original position of the cutters