Coaches: Caroline Ma25 items

Take a look through the theory and drills from Caroline Ma.
As both a player and a coach, Caroline has quickly racked up an impressive resume. A four-time national champion in Australia with Ellipsis where she played WUCC 2018 and has been a captain since 2018, Caroline has also represented Australia at 2017 Beach Worlds, u24s 2018, and is the Women's Rep for the 2021 WUGC campaign.

Caroline was the u24 Assistant Coach for the Australian Women in 2019, u22 Victorian State Women's Head Coach, and a counsellor at the Seattle camp 2018.



Breaking down the skills required to be successful at aerial contests prioritises reading the disc and boxing out before adding jumping.
This game helps participants figure out how to alter their throws to space at different distances. To develop this skill, overthrowing is better than underthrowing, as it is better to practice trying to get the disc to sit into space for someone to run onto.
Buffering allows defenders to stick to their defensive priorities while the cutters explore different attacking options.
Increasing a throwers pivot width provides them with more space away from the mark while also challenging their mark to cover a greater distance as the attempt to prevent throws.
This drill is focused on defenders and their ability to shut down the “open under” when guarding a cutter.
A competitive game to encourage pressure on the mark and throwers dealing with that pressure to complete their throws.
This drill is designed to help practice control over inside out, curved throws.
Low release throws are very valuable when breaking the mark. Even if you are very wide sometimes the mark is still able to get around. It is much harder for the mark to get very low.
This drill is designed to help practice control over outside in, curving throws.
The concept of “give and go” encourages a style of offence that is generated through fast movement and more short passes. This "throw and go" drill helps to teach players to stay balanced during their throw while preparing themselves to run as soon as the disc leaves their hand.
Throwing and catching to practice technique and expand range.
Triangle forcing helps the mark to prevent break throws to dangerous areas by adjusting their positioning according to threats in different areas of the field.