Coaches: Brett Matzuka4 items

Take a look through the theory and drills from Brett Matzuka.
Brett Matzuka began his career in competitive ultimate in Brisbane, Australia in 2004, winning a Beach World Championship (Australian Open team) in 2007. Brett has been a member of a number of elite level ultimate club teams including North Carolina Ring of Fire (Semis, '12), Denver Johnny Bravo (Nationals Champions, '14; Bronze Medalist, WUCC 2014), and Chicago Machine (Semis; '15), was selected for Team USA World Games 2013, and has played in the AUDL since 2014. Brett has participated in training camps in Kiev, Ukraine, Moscow, Russia, and Krasnodar, Russia as an ultimate coach and instructor. He has helped coach the NC State college ultimate team, and has participated in multiple Michelle Ng Without Limits clinics to help proliferate women's ultimate along the East Coast.


Chicago Machine's Brett & Goose bring together multiple cutting options to show the power of the vertical stack formation
Forcing offence to stay still means you'll need to take on some throws that you might normally find difficult in this fun game
Limiting the ability of the cutter forces the thrower to be more creative; this drill will teach throwers to identify space and select an appropriate throw
Different throws are more useful in different circumstances, so you'll need to practice lots of different scenarios rather than just throwing back and forth all the time. Trying to use just four types of throw with four different reception areas results in 16 different throws being practiced in this one drill.